The Medieval Castle of Cordovado

The name Cordovado means a large agricultural complex (CURTIS) located near the riverbed off an ancient branch of the Tagliamento, which the Bishops of Concordia fortified around the XI-XII century and chose as their most important castle in the plains, seat of many civil, military and ecclesiastical powers.
The castle remained in full operation until the fifteenth century and it stood next to a major highway, connecting Concordia and Portogruaro to the Austrian and German areas. The keep with the residence of the bishops was knocked down in the mid-nineteenth century.
The parks that can be seen in the castle grounds are works of the XIX century; the first being done by Carlo Sigismondo Freschi, who around 1820 brought down some sections of wall to extend the park out into the country, modelling it according to romantic influences, especially British, including the formation of seven hills, while the moat water was conveyed to streams. More(The link you are accessing might not be in English.)