Epiphany Bonfires (Pan e Vin)

It concerns an ancient tradition, that has its roots primarily in the typical sun cults of the Middle East, of the Persian and Anatolian world and, more generally, of all of the classical Mediterranean (from Zaroaster to Mithras, from Attis to Sol Invictus); and then in the cult of fire (light) practised throughout the ancient world, both Mediterranean and Nordic, particularly in the latter because of the length and severity of the winters. Such cults of the sun and of fire, even not having per se a precise position in the course of the year, were already concentrated in pre-history above all around the winter solstice, between Saint Lucia, Christmas and Epiphany (the Christmas in Eastern Christianity).
In Friuli and the Veneto, above all between the Tagliamento and Piave rivers (perhaps really because of ancient relations with the pre-Christian and Christian Orient), on the evening of 5th January there have always been lit great bonfires, going under tens of different local names: the making, the structure, the composition of the pyre, its lighting, its interpretation in relation to the years agricultural crop, are part of precise rituals that are lost in the mists of time.
The Propordenone Association, having identified in this one of the essences of Friuli, above all western, has always supported the tradition, both by organising its own bonfire and by publishing a study of it, by Giosuè Chiaradia, and working to respect and create respect for the genuine facts in folklore, typical of the evening of 5th January each year.
Since 2002 the display has taken on a new form. First of all, the bonfire has returned to an area more suited for the event (the area of the Noncello River) with the participation of figures, representing the Magi and the Befana (an old witch), who arrive by travelling along a stretch of the Noncello River (with the contribution of the Associazione Pordenonese Gommonauti) and preceded by the star of Bethlehem.
During the display the "villotte" are sung accompanied by characteristic instruments. For environmental and health reasons it has been necessary to arrange the bonfire in an area well away from the city area, so in 2005 by agreement with the Associazione Panorama, a new ample space was found adjacent to Villaggio del Fanciullo, a locality to the north of the city. Having obtained co-partnership in the initiative also of the Centre for Professional Training in the village, the place and the collaborations should fix this site as the defined headquarters of the display.
(Source: Propordenone)