Torrente Arzino

The torrent Arzino with its 28 km from Val di Preone to the rivermouth near Pontaiba, is the largest tributary to the right of the Tagliamento river. It flows out at the foot of Mount Teglanda, in Fontanon, at an altitude of 750 mt. The initial spring waters are forced to fall into the nearby waterfalls and rapids of rare power. Torrent Arzino laps the solitary hamlet of Pozzis and emerges to flow at full breadth into the Channel of St.Francis (Canale di S.Francesco). Side streams such as Rio Sclusons, Comugna, Foce, increase the flowrate, while the narrow gorges of Cengla and Clapiet, accelerate its course up to Masarach.
After slowing down in the wider valley of Casiacco, the Arzino crosses almost the last point of arrival under the Armistizio bridge to end its course into the great Tagliamento river. It crosses the entire Valle d’Arzino with the "Regina Margherita” road, which links the villages of St. Francis (S. Francesco), Pielungo, Anduins and Casiacco, all located alongside it.
(source: Municipality of Vito D'Asio)