The route starts from piazzale S. Lorenzo (0.0km) in RORAI GRANDE. Take via Pedron, under the railway (bottleneck) and, at the intersection with via Gabelli, continue opposite along via Zuccolo. After another intersection continue straight down via Oltrel’acqua to come out in via Rivierasca, which is to the left. At the crossroads (the castle of PORCIA is in front), turn right and proceed towards the left along via De Pellegrini. Again, always straight with the town hall to the right and the road for Palse to the left, turn left at the next roundabout into via Delle Risorgive, past the sports field and, just a little before the cemetery of PALSE, turn right (at the stop sign) into via Ponte della Zitta. A
t the first intersection, turn left into via Molinata, under the highway and, immediately after, turn right into via Gandin. Again under the highway, then under the ring road and, at the intersection, proceed to the left towards Brugnera, along via Pont Frait. Ignore a road to the right and the flyover to the left and continue along via Levada. At the stop sign (intersection with via Brugnera and via Camol di Tamai) (8.4 km) take via Ungaresca in front. Once the flyover has been passed, continue along a straight section first and then, after a wide bend, a second straight section. After about 250 m, at the end of the hedge that flanks the road to the right, a gate suddenly appears on the right. Pass this, travelling along a cart track leading to the “Alla Pioppa” agritourism.
Having passed the second gate, after a few tens of metres turn left onto a dirt road, which then becomes paved. At the first crossroads, turn right and after a further 200 m turn left into via Abruzzo, then right into via Umbria and then left again into via Liguria (one-way). At the crossroads (now in S.ODORICO) turn right, pass by a bell tower, cross the intersection with via Rosselli to reach a pedestrian subway (steps and ramp - getting off the bike and pushing it). Pass under the railway line and take via Balliana to the right to finally reach the town centre of SACILE. Pedal along via Mazzini until reaching piazza del Popolo (to the left – 13.6 km up to this point). Resume the trail by taking via Zancanaro.
With the characteristic temple of S. Liberale to the left near the petrol station, turn right into via Gramsci and then to the left into via dello Stadio. After a level crossing, immediately turn left where the cycle track starts. To the left is the small railway station of S. Liberale. Go around the sports centre and, at the crossroads, continue to the left into via Prati di S. Croce. After about one hundred metres to the right take a cycle track (traffic posts). At the end, turn left into via Strada Interna to reach the SS 13 main road. Watch the traffic (controlled a little further to the right by traffic lights), pedal a few tens of metres on the right and cross the road into Strada delle Valli.
Always along the axis of the main road, approach the first crossroads meandering and continuing to the left along via Bandida. Having gone under the ring road of the highway, at the STOP sign of a wide intersection, cross the road, continuing in front, always along via Bandida, and then leave it by turning left, going straight along a very narrow road. At the crossroads, turn right (cycle track sign) along via Stellini up to the STOP SIGN with via del Macello to the right. Take a small road to the left instead and at the crossroads turn right again into via Stellini . At the crossroads, obviously, turn right and immediately to the left, still continuing along via Stellini. At the crossroads, take via Buonarroti in front. At the next crossroads, turn left; there is a large bar right on the bend, leading to another intersection which should be crossed (sports field to the right).
Again go straight, cross the road from Roveredo in Piano (21.0 km) and turn into via Pellico, pass the sign RONCHE, cycling alongside a long wall and at the STOP sign turn right and cycle again alongside the wall until turning left into via Verdi. Pass under the ring road of the highway, crossing a wide intersection at the STOP sign and immediately after turn left into a dirt road. Continue straight and after 400 m turn into the paved road to the right of via Romagna (traffic posts). After the first crossroads (with via Ceolini) proceed in front along via Lazio (cycle path) and at the intersection with the traffic lights turn right along via Roveredo.
At the intersection with main road SS13 keep to the left for a few metres and turn right into via Dante Alighieri. Follow the cycle path, under the railway line, turn left at the intersection with via Vallada, continue up to the roadside shrine and then turn left. Follow via Galassia, where the last section is a cycle path only, flanking via Gabelli up to the crossroads, then turn left back into via Peron, which will then lead back to piazzale S. Lorenzo. From piazza del Popolo in Sacile 13.7 km. The whole route covers a distance of 27.3 km.