Wines and Liqueurs

A good meal cannot be other than accompanied by the excellent wines produced in the Destra Tagliamento.
Lording it are the whites (Pinot bianco and Grigio, Tocai Friulano, Sauvignon, Verduzzo Friulano, Bianco Grave, Chardonnay, Riesling, Traminer Aromatico, Spumante) and the reds (Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon, Merlot, Rosso Grave, Pinot Nero, Rosato, Refosco dal peduncolo rosso, Novello) from the two DOCs in the Pordenone area: the Friuli Grave (the most extensive in the region) and the Lison Pramaggiore.
In some areas to the north of Pordenone (Pinzano, Valeriano, Castelnovo del Friuli), improvements are newly being made to the native wines like Ucelut, Sciaglin, Piculit neri, Forgiarin, Cividin and Cjanorie.
And for cold winter days, you can try the vin brulè (red wine, sliced apples, orange and lemon peel, cloves, cinnamon and sugar).
The grappas are also excellent, once made by almost all rural households and today surely improved and enriched in taste. Besides the classic white, in fact, many of different taste are to be found amongst them. Particular mention goes to the walnut liqueur from walnuts that tradition requires to be 33 years old like Christ’s age and collected on 24th June, the eve of Saint John the Baptist.
(source: Italian Touring Club “Pordenone e provincia” – author: Michela Zin)
(fonte: Touring Club Italiano “Pordenone e provincia” – autore: Michela Zin)